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PDO Threads Treatment


Revitalize Your Appearance with PDO Threads at Queen Aesthetics in Houston, Texas

Welcome to Queen Aesthetics, your premier destination for advanced aesthetic treatments in Houston, Texas. Our PDO thread treatments using Nova Threads, Mint Threads, barbed, and smooth threads can help you achieve a rejuvenated and lifted appearance with natural-looking results.


Why Choose PDO Threads?


Non-Surgical Facelift: PDO (polydioxanone) threads are a non-surgical alternative to a facelift, providing lift and support to sagging skin.


Stimulates Collagen Production: PDO threads stimulate the production of collagen, a key protein that helps maintain skin elasticity and firmness.


Natural-Looking Results: PDO threads provide immediate lifting effects with continued improvement over time as collagen production is stimulated.


Minimally Invasive: PDO thread treatments are minimally invasive and require little to no downtime, making them a convenient option for busy individuals.


Ideal Candidate for PDO Threads


Sagging Skin: Individuals with mild to moderate skin laxity, particularly in the cheeks, jowls, and neck, can benefit from PDO thread treatments.


Wrinkles and Fine Lines: PDO threads can help improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, providing a smoother and more youthful complexion.


Desire for Natural Results: Anyone looking to achieve natural-looking results without the need for surgery may be a good candidate for PDO threads.


Different Types of PDO Threads


Nova Threads: Nova Threads are PDO threads that come in various forms, including barbed and smooth threads. Barbed threads are used to lift and support sagging skin, while smooth threads are used to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture.


Mint Threads: Mint Threads are another type of PDO thread that can be used to lift and tighten the skin. They are particularly effective in areas such as the cheeks, jowls, and neck.


Our Expertise in PDO Threads


At Queen Aesthetics, our team of medical professionals is highly experienced in performing PDO thread treatments. As national trainers in PDO thread techniques, we have the expertise to ensure that your results look perfect and natural, without appearing overdone.


Schedule Your PDO Thread Consultation Today


Are you ready to rejuvenate your appearance with PDO threads? Contact Queen Aesthetics in Houston, Texas, today to schedule your consultation. Our team will work with you to create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. We look forward to helping you look and feel your best!


Queen Aesthetics offers NovaThreads which are FDA-cleared, absorbable sutures placed under the skin, to help lift the tissue and enhance collagen production. There are many areas this could work on especially on the face, on the neck, lower and midface, jawline, and sometimes even the abdomen, elbow, and knees.

PDO Threads In Houston

Little to no downtime

Triggers the body to creature collagen

Natural Elegant results

Smooth twist targets fine lines and wrinkles

You’ll see quick results from the skin being lifted



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